

Mohamad Ziad Alkabakibi

Software Engineer at Noon


  • Programming : C++ (favorite), Golang, C#, Python, JS.

  • Others : OpenGL, Unreal Engine, Unity, Data structres and Algorithms.

  • Learning : Direct3D12, React


  1. Mizu : Game Engine Made with C++ and DirectX12. It has also Mesh shaders expirement and contains the graduation project.

  2. Roll Chat Bot : Chatbot made with Python using Microsoft’s QnA framework and deployed on Heroku and using REST API to communicate with the QnA service. Planning to add features such as weather and reminders soon.

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  1. Snake Game: Classic game made with C++ using Win32API (still working on using Direct3D12 for drawing)

  2. Trackzam: Tracker for general education/work purposes where information is collected to know if a person is paying attention or not, I implemented a keylogger/mouseLogger and User Accounts on the Windows app client using C#.

  3. Breakout: Atari classic game made with C++ and OpenGL (done with the help of learnopengl.com(https://learnopengl.com)).

  1. Foobar Compiler: Made with C++ for an imperative language (Didn’t finish semantic ananlysis fully yet).

  2. Tsuki: A Distirbuted System with a naming server using GoLang.

  3. Switching Generator: A practical implementation of a Switching Generator paper using Verilog HDL.